80% of Tanzanians live in rural areas and depend on dry land for their livelihoods, many of these live in extreme poverty.
They have some of the best soils and yet the worse yields
Yields are about 10% of their potential
Maize is the major crop but the average yield is 3 bags er acre. In the state of Illinois in the US the average yield is 60 bags.
Maize Wheat Oil seeds and various beans plus other legumes are grown in the wet season and harvested in the dry. In many area they can plant two crops per year. The reasons for the disparity are very simple:
Over grazing and over ploughing
soil compaction making it impervious to rain
destruction of soil structure
lack of nutrients and fertiliser
lack of good seed
lack of weed control
little knowledge of modern farming techniques
lack of appropriate machinery
The actual process of changing from a subsistence based farming system to a profitable sustainable agricultural industry is not very difficult. The major obstacles are about changing the worldview and the character of the individual farmers. The importance of good leadership, management, stewardship cannot be overstated.
Out in the villages we run two day seminars in which we teach Empowered Worldview in the morning and run practical farmer training in the afternoons.
As our whole project is now based at Agape Bible College in Tengeru, Arusha ( where we lease land for the workshop and storing and demonstration of the machinery, with raining and maintenance) we are integrating our activities into the structure and life around the college. We have integrated Leadership Development and Empowered worldview training into the curriculum - where farmers and leaders have travelled and enrolled here in the program, which helps us achieve training and support to a much wider network efficiently.