We have been involved in Leadership Development throughout Northern Tanzania for many years. It is our firm conviction that the village leaders are the key to social and economic development of their communities. There is a saying in the business world: ‘Leadership is always the problem, and leadership is always the answer.’ The best structured and resourced plans will fail without good leadership, in yet initiatives with many flaws can succeed with good leadership, as good leaders will usually be able to find a solution.
Training and Mentoring expands the capacity and worldview of the local leaders, exposing them to the possibilities and opportunities for themselves and their people. This equips them and empowers them to dream of a better future for themselves, their families and their communities. What has been demonstrated is that once the community leaders have themselves been inspired to see progress in their communities, they grab with both hands every opportunity that comes their way, and they develop strength of character to overcome obstacles.
Everything that we do will be at the invitation of the local village leadership and under their authority at every stage. We have worked with local leaders for many years. We wish to build on this foundation of relationship and trust that has developed and empower these leaders to help their communities.
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